B1F Tyoujiya

Enjoy Japanese food and Japanese Sake in a comfortable atomosphere.
You can get 10% discount for the dinner if you stay in a hotel.
Opening hours(There is irregular holidays)
- Morning
- -
- Lunch
- 11:30 ~ 15:00
- Dinner
- 17:30 ~ 23:00
※Please ask the restaurant directly for the last call time.
***The price is included tax (10%).***
- Morning
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Party
Temporary closed
Thank you for using our restaurant Tyoujiya.
We are temporarily closing for breakfast service.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you.
Tyoujiya's lunch
Daily Set Menu
(Main dish with side dish, soup, rice and pickled vegetables)
The menu will be changed daily.
Please ask the staff for the details. -
Today's Fish Lunch
(Main dish with side dish, soup, rice and pickled vegetables)
The fish and the cooking method will be changed daily.
Please ask the staff for the details. -
Tyoujiya's Yellow Chicken Curry Lunch
Stew chicken and vegetables with Tyoujiya's special blended spice for 3days and coconut milk.
Creamy Rice Omelet
The original chicken rice wrapped with creamy egg.
Enjoy a rice omelet with Tyoujiya's demi-glace sauce. -
Demi-glace Sauce Hamburg Lunch
The hamburg grilled fluffy and juicy with Tyoujiya's demi-glace sauce.
Demi-glace Sauce Hamburg & Big Fried Shrimp Lunch
This is a big luch with a hamburg and a big fried shrimp.
Sashimi Lunch
Assorted lunch with daily sashimis and seasonal tempura.
Sliced Duck Roast Lunch
This is the sliced duck roast boiled until tender. Enjoy the sliced duck roast with Tyoujiya's original sauce.
Drink Set
Choose one drink from the soft drink list.
Dessert & Drink Set
Assorted desserts and drink.

Recommended Menu
- Sashimi
- Snacks
- Salad
- Hot Dish
- Grilled Fish
- Pizza
- Fried Dish
- Rice
- Dessert

The other menus are also available.
Please ask the restaurant directly for the price & more information.
Party Plan
Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.

おまかせ コース①(お一人様)
- 先付 季節の小鉢
- 向付 お造り二種盛合せ
- 焼物 鯖の西京焼き
- 油物 京湯葉の海老フライ
- 温物 加茂茄子のみぞれ
- 飯物 おじゃこと京漬物の混ぜご飯
- 汁椀
- 水物 本日のデザート
- 先付 季節の小鉢
- 向付 お造り三種盛合せ
- 椀物 蛤潮仕立て
- 焼物 村沢牛「いちぼ」のロースト
- 油物 鱧の天麩羅
- 温物 加茂茄子の鴨餡かけ
- 強肴 京生麩の田楽
- 飯物 焼きおにぎりのお茶漬け
- 香の物
- 水物 本日のデザート盛合せ

- 先付 季節の小鉢
- 向付 お造り三種盛合せ
- 鍋物 京豆腐の湯豆腐
- 飯物 おじゃこと京漬物の混ぜご飯
- 水物 本日のデザート
- 価格など、詳しくはレストランまでお問い合わせください。